M. A. | Philosophy – Philosophy in a European context | FernUniversität in Hagen
Focus areas: Political philosophy, ethics and philosophy of law, social and cultural philosophy.
Solo world trip with work visas in Canada and Australia
Countries visited: Belgium, France, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia.
Dr. rer. nat. | Physics | Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Focus areas: Semiconductor physics, nanoelectronics, crystallography, materials characterization.
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) | University of Cambridge
Level C2 CEFR/ESOL Level 3.
Dipl.-Phys. | Physics and philosophy | University of Leipzig
Focus areas: Solid state physics, particle physics, astrophysics, logic and philosophy of science, political philosophy (utopias and theories of state). Courses in chemistry and computer science.
Bundeswettbewerb „Jugend forscht“ | Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V.
Special prize of the jury for an outstanding interdisciplinary work. Title of work: „Computergesteuerte Verfahren zur Differentialdiagnostik Händigkeit“ (together with John Fahlteich). Previously state winner in Saxony-Anhalt in the field of mathematics/computer science.